A video that’s all about your company

There is a lot of competition on the internet and social media for companies to visually distinguish themselves. They try to stand out from the crowd with their logo and image.

In addition to these, a very effective marketing tool is a promotional video or image film that uses moving images and filmic tools. Commercials are mainly used to sell products and services and to build a brand, while image films feature the positive qualities of a company through filmic tools: special effects, editing, well-chosen music and narration.

Introduce your business!

Share your colleagues’ success stories, introduce the team, the company atmosphere and recruit new colleagues!

Share your brand with your business partners and customers!

Have a professionally made short film for your company or business, which you can then use anywhere to increase your brand awareness!


My previous works

Would you like to have an image video or a promotional video about your company? please complete the form. I will process your e-mail as soon as possible and reply soon.

phone: +36 30 243 3141

e-mail: info@rolunkszol.hu

Get in touch with me

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